Safety Information

Hello Spring 2024 Brooklyn AYSO Parents, Players, and Volunteers,

A quick reminder of Brooklyn AYSO’s regional safety rules:

1.  Players may not or wear anything that is dangerous. All items of jewelry (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, other piercings, leather bands, rubber bands, etc.) are forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover jewelry is not permitted. Medical alert bracelets and necklaces and religious emblems may be worn, provided they are under clothing or secured to the body. Medically mandated monitors may be worn with prior permission of the Regional Safety Director.

2.  Coaches, referees, or other volunteers must fill out an AYSO Incident Report Form for any incident that occurs before, during, or after your game. This is especially important for injuries, even if they appear minor, as well as fights, incidents of major dissent, and any calls to the emergency services. These reports should be filled out and forwarded to the Regional Safety Director. Copies can be found here:

3.  Parade Grounds rules clearly state: "Dogs are not allowed on the athletic fields." Dogs are not permitted anywhere inside the outer fences, including the sideline areas and seating areas where parents and other spectators watch our games.

4.  Bicycles may not be ridden on or across the fields, and bicycles should be parked outside the field areas.

5.  First Aid Kits and cold packs are available adjacent to all Spring 2024 Brooklyn AYSO fields. They can be found on the field map:

6.  Players must always have their team jerseys visible. If it is cold, the jersey should be worn over whatever warm clothing they are wearing.

Thank you for helping keep our soccer games safe, fair, and fun.

Jim Keenley
Brooklyn AYSO – Regional Safety Director